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Main results

In recent years, there has been a fluctuating trend in the number of enrolments at UniTo. For A.Y. 2021/2022 enrolment (about 81,000) is higher than for 2020/2021 (80,548). The distribution of the student community by gender is constant over time. Indeed, of the 81,000 students about 62% are females while 38% are males.

It is confirmed the long-standing change with respect to the institutions of origin of freshmen, namely, those enrolled in the first year of a three-year course: although for more than half of the cases the enrolled come from high schools, the decline in the flow continues, in favour of an increasing number from technical and vocational institutions.

In 2021/2022, there is evidence of greater attractiveness from high schools for more than half 29 of those enrolled (54% in 2021/2022) and technical institutes (27% in 2021/2022).

Source: Directorate of Education and Student Services

 Students of UniTo
Enrolled 2020/2021 Enrolled 2021/2022
Students enrolled 83.712 82.601
Males 38,60% 37,8%
Females 61,40% 62,2%
Between 19- and 25-years old females 44,21% 43,98%
Age 25 and older females 16,72% 17,39%
Between 19- and 25-years old males 27,13% 26,34%
Age 25 and older males 11,94% 12,30%
Number of freshmen (bachelor’s and master’s/specialist degrees) 26.329 22.513
Males 39,57% 38,46%
Females 60,43% 61,54%
Enrolled in bachelor’s degree program 51.742 50.032
Enrolled in master’s/specialist degree program 17.151 17.649
Enrolled in single-cycle degree program 11.683 11.671
Enrolled in master’s degree programs of I and II level. 1.953 1.889
PhD students 1.183 1.360
Residents outside Piedmont 20,74% 23,9%
With foreign citizenship 5,87% 6,2%
Students with disabilities 999 1.002
Males 444 440
Females 555 562
Students with DSA 2.177 2.338
Males 994 1.043
Females 1.183 1.295
Funds to support students with disabilities or DSA 648.303€ 648.000€
Source: Directorate of Education and Student Services


In the academic year 2021/2022, about 1,300 students are found to be enrolled in master’s degree programs of I and II levels, and as of 12/31/2022, there are more than 1,300 doctoral students.

While the number of bachelor’s, master’s and single-cycle degree programs has remained constant for the two academic years (2020/2021 and 2021/2022), the number of doctoral programs has increased significantly from 38 to 54, of which 14 are in agreement or consortium and 14 are of national interest. Similarly, the number of master’s Degrees Level I increased from 50 to 69 courses, while the number of Master’s Degrees Level II remained at 36. UniTo also offers the possibility of access to the Ferdinando Rossi School of Advanced Studies, that is, the university school of higher education that accompanies and integrates the career of students enrolled in all of the University’s degree programs. Graduate schools have moved from 60 to 58 in the 2021/2022 academic year.

Source: Office of Students with Disabilities and DSA

UniTo holds a national record in terms of policies for the inclusion of male and female students with disabilities or DSA, namely ‘Disturbi Specifici dell’Apprendimento’ (Specific Learning Disorders). In 2021/2022 in UniTo there are 1,002 students with disabilities and 2,338 with specific learning disorders. Athenaeum budget has seen in 2021/2022 an investment of 648,000€ in actions dedicated to Disability and DSA. The distribution among male and female students is proportional.

Educational offering
2020/2021 2021/2022
Bachelor’s degree courses 69 68
Master’s degree courses 79 81
Single-cycle courses 9 9
Specialization schools 59 58
PhD courses 38 54
Master’s Degree Level I 47 47
Master’s Degree Level II 35 38
Institutes of excellence 1 1
Continuing education and professional development courses 22 25
Source: Directorate of Education and Student Services

The majority of those enrolled are female students; the figure has remained constant over the years. The figure is similar for new freshmen. The number of students residing outside Piedmont is growing slightly and is 23.9% of total enrolment, showing greater attractiveness than in other regions; indeed, Piedmont ranks 5th in terms of attracting students from outside the region and keeping them in the area. Only 6.2% have foreign citizenship, an average that is still higher than the national percentage of 5.3% of total enrolment.

The graduates


There are about 14,282 graduates in 2022, including about 7,900 graduates in level I and about 6,369 in level II or single-cycle graduates.

The last two years, considering three-year, specialist/master’s or single-cycle courses, see more students graduating in the Departments of Management “Valter Cantino” with about 13% of graduates; Cultures, Politics and Society with about 11% of graduates; and Humanities with more than 7% of the total number of graduates.

Fonte: Elaborazione su dati JobPricing 2021
Source: Directorate of Education and Student Services

Degree by department

Degree by department
2020/2021 2021/2022
Department Bachelor’s degree Master’s degrees Specialized-master’s courses Bachelor’s degree Master’s degrees Specialized-master’s courses
Molecular biotechnology and health sciences 59 36 71 35
Chemistry 151 179 163 212
Cultures, Politics and Societ 1102 650 934 693
Economics and Statistics “Cognetti de Martiis” 143 90 149 117
Philosophy and Educational Science 433 260 274 471 253 297
Physics 119 146 132 108
Law 356 428 85 455 366 102
Informatics 201 185 224 200
Interateneo of science, planning and territory policy 17 13
Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures 777 425 599 482
Management “Valter Cantino” 1345 695 1104 879
Mathematics “Giuseppe Peano” 230 85 241 114
Neuroscience “Rita Levi Montalcini” 7 8
Oncology 21 15
Psychology 302 567 307 464
Drug Science and Technology 41 164 28 127
Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences 262 251 230 236
Surgical sciences 143 41 163 48
Clinical and Biological Sciences 168 119 95 183 97 91
Public Health and Paediatric Sciences 463 27 452 46
Earth Sciences 30 34 19 37
Life Sciences and Systems Biology 703 256 681 218
Economic-social and mathematical-statistical sciences 239 262 189 158
Medical sciences 28 368 121 23 373 140
Veterinary sciences 64 87 47 78
Historical Studies 196 22 126 174 10 132
Humanities Studies 884 201 851 243
Total 8467 1489 4807 7913 1352 5017
Source: Directorate of Education and Student Services

The quality of education

For A.Y. 2021/2022, the percentage of Evaluation Questionnaires completed by students within the first call for the university is 81.25%, slightly increasing over the last three years. The results of the satisfaction indices show for the university-wide IQs decidedly positive and improving values on all questions, both from the previous year and over the last three years, with average values always above 85% even on the question about lecture halls, reintroduced in 2021/22. For lecture hours, consistency of delivery, faculty availability, and the new question on online lectures, average satisfaction exceeds 90%.

As for the average University values for the part related to course organization and services, the satisfaction index exceeds 75% for all questions, except for Organization (70%, up two percentage points from 2021) and Lecture Hours (72%, down from 74% the year before), as well as Secretarial Service (62%, improving from the previous year, but lower than the 65% in the 2020 survey), while Overall Satisfaction is above 85% (was 82%), also improving from pre-pandemic.

The average University values for the examination part are above 85%, in line with the previous survey.

Source: Directorate of Education and Student Services

About 30% of students graduate with a grade of 110 out of 110 and about 20% with a grade between 105 and 109. On average, it takes UniTo students four years to finish a bachelor’s degree, two years and five months to finish a master’s degree, and six years and four months to finish a single-cycle degree.

Internships and traineeships


The number of internships has increased since the pandemic period (COVID-19) demonstrating a return to normality. 36.52% of enrolled students had work experience through the Athenaeum’s offerings.


Internships and traineeships
2020/2021 2021/2022
Number of curricular internships activated 19.276 30.166
Number of extracurricular internships 322 382
Number of curricular internships and PCTO 341 1.090
New companies accredited to UniTo 1.513 1.814
Total accredited companies 15.660 19.529
Jobs and extracurricular internships posted 1.108 2.446
Source: Directorate of Education and Student Services

Employment rate of 2020 graduates 1 year after graduation


Source: Directorate of Education and Student Services by local definition, AlmaLaurea 2022 – def. ISTAT Labor Forces for national average data.

Referring to the quality of education at UniTo, in particular the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all) in recent years, the Athenaeum has been making significant improvement. Better results than the national average also for the employment rate 1 year after graduation: 57.6% versus the national average of 53.5% in 2021/2022.

In Italy, the unemployment rate for a university graduate is 10.1% compared to 13.5% for a high school graduate and 21.5% for people with an intermediate education (ISTAT data: 2022), and the number of graduates at UniTo in the last 5 years has increased from 12,014 in 2018 to 13,958 in 2022 (with a slight decrease from 2021).

The gross annual salary of a graduate is €40,026 per year compared to a non-graduate whose salary drops to €27,501 (JobPricing Observatory on JobPricing data). Income increases as the level of study increases: 30,195 € bachelor’s degree, 42,467 € master’s degree I level, 42,016 € master’s degree II level, 48,378 € master’s degree II level, 48,749 € doctorate. (JobPricing Observatory on JobPricing data 2021 latest available). Italian graduates in the North have a higher average income (€40,527) than graduates in the Center (€39,701) and South and Islands (€38,062) (Data: JobPricing data 2021 latest available).

The average gross income of a UniTo graduate between the ages of 25 and 34 is €30,364 and is in the average range of salaries that graduates of other Italian public universities have. The average gross annual salary of a graduate between the ages of 25 and 34 at a public university is found to be higher for graduates of the Milan Polytechnic and lower for the University of Cagliari (elaboration on JobPricing Observatory data processing, 2021). Turin ranks 22nd among other Italian universities in terms of the number of individuals hired as a percentage by composition of regional profiles (7.2% managers, 20.8% executives and 72% clerical staff).

67.8% of UniTo graduates are absorbed in the private sector, 26.8% in the public sector and 5.3 in the nonprofit sector. 85.8% find jobs in Italy’s Northwest due to the area’s ability to recognize trained professionals.

Characteristics of absorbed students from the University of Turin AlmaLaurea
Profession held (%)
Entrepreneurs, legislators and top management  1,3 1,7 0,9
Intellectual, scientific and highly skilled professions 27,7 16,4 36,6
Technical professions 31,1 41,7 22,8
Executive professions in office jobs 11,4 13,6 9,7
Other professions 10,9 18,5 4,8
Other 17,6 8,1 25,1
Type of employment activity (%)
Own business 8,5 8,8 8,3
Permanent employment 21,1 24,1 18,7
Temporary employment 27,9 28,9 27,1
Scholarship or research grant 5,6 1,0 9,2
Training contracts 23,6 17,5 28,4
Other contractual forms 11,0 16,2 6,8
Without contract 2,2 3,3 1,3
Diffusion of smart work (%) 21,7 16,2 26,0
Diffusion of part-time work (%) 23,8 35,0 14,8
Number of weekly working hours (average) 34,6 32,5 36,3

Source: elaboration on Alma Laurea Data (2022)

UniTo’s international dimension


UniTo offers the opportunity for students and researchers to complete their academic career with an experience abroad and attracts students and faculty from international universities through European and non-European exchange and mobility programs.

In 2021/2022, 30 international double/joint degree mobility agreements were activated. More than 430 academic cooperation agreements have been initiated with universities and research institutions in 79 countries. About 21 courses of study and curricula were delivered entirely in English. In addition, there were about 2,700 students enrolled with foreign access degrees.

In 2021/2022, the range of universities and research institutions with whom UniTo has established collaborations has increased from 31 to 79 countries. Similarly, the number of agreements increased from that 80 in A.Y. 2020/2021 to 480 in 2021/2022.

In A.Y. 2021/2022, the Marco Polo and Turandot Project organized by the Italian Embassy and promoted by the University of Turin through the Internationalization Area offered Chinese students who do not know the Italian language the opportunity to obtain entry visas to Italy for university enrolment (in courses of study that have reserved a quota for Marco Polo students) on the condition that they attend a 10- or 11-month Italian language course offered by some Italian universities and language centres participating in the project. At the end of the course, students who obtain a B1-level certification or higher possess the language requirement to enrol in their chosen university.

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